Friday 17 May 2013

Too Much Space and No Idea How To Use It?

A lot of people would think that having a lot of space would be ideal. Loads of room to do anything you want, and it means more stuff! But for some, it is a burden because they just dont know how to use it. There is a difference between design and style. No matter what, everyone has style. Everyone's home is stylish, and this doesn't mean that they have had a top of the range Interior Designer do all the work for them, it means that style is subjective and individual. What is stylish to me may not be stylish for you. I can't stand Edwardian furniture, but for some people, that is their style. Design is different. Design looks at the practicalities of the home. The layout, the electrical points, the window and door positioning etc. So is a large open plan room a design fault? No. Because there are lots of ways that you can take advantage of the space.

I want to show you a few images I found on Google.

This room looks excellent. I absolutely love the decor, it looks great. I think that the colours go so well together, I love neutrals with a splash of black here and there, especially in the lighting. The small table in the middle with the seats is what makes the best use of the huge space, along with the sofas being out in the middle of the room rather than being pressed against a wall. Perfect!

 This property works so well with the open plan because it has a huge feature in the centre. It doesn't just have to be walls that separate rooms. Even standing dividers work really well. But this is practical, not only is it lovely to look at but it is also a seat! Extra seating means more social! Gorgeous.

This is the real meaning of open plan. 3 room in one and then a garden that can also become a part of it in the nice weather! I just love how this huge room is the absolute centre to this home. I can't think of anything more social. Nothing is pushed up against the wall which really makes great use of the space. Nothing worse than a huge empty floor in the middle of parallel, pushed back furniture! This isn't a huge home but this makes it seem bigger, as it is one big room as opposed to three small rooms. Open plan always wins it for me!!!

Lastly, I had to post a picture of this as I just love the contemporary look of the kitchen. The curved units are so modern and high spec that it is one of the best things you can do to a large kitchen. Rather than the conventional units around the wall and then occasionally a square/rectangular island in the middle, this is different and exciting. I personally love it, it gives the kitchen that feature that everyone wants but not all know how to achieve. Love this so much!

Let me know how you make the most of the space you have.

Until next time, Dolls xo

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