Friday 10 May 2013

My Diploma

I am doing my Interior Design Diploma through the Blackford Centre for Interior Design. It is a fantastic institution, they really help you through the process and I have so far enjoyed every minute of the course. Considering you do it from home you really do get a lot of help and assistance.

The course materials arrived the day after I enrolled and paid for it. A huge box full of exciting stuff! Two big folders with the Diploma Modules in and all the info, loads of helpful books and leaflets about starting your own business, paper, pencils, pens, graph paper, tracing paper, tape measure, ruler, folders and loads more. Even a little box of mints! It is so cool, as long as you have the space to put it in. My dressing room is slowly turning into an office! (I think we may be needing to look for a 4 bed pretty soon!)

The modules are really well set out. You do cover 99.9% of Interior Design in just 44 modules. The best thing is, there are 15 assignments to do during the course of the Diploma, and there are NO deadlines! That's right! You hand them in whenever you like, in whatever order you like!! It is so handy when you are as busy as I am, although I speed through it because I can't wait to get it done and start my business!

If you are interested in Interior Design you should definitely check out the Blackford Centre, it really is worth every penny.

See Ya, Dolls xo

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