Thursday 16 May 2013

Making the Most of Small Spaces

Today I have been thinking about small spaces. A lot of people aren't lucky enough to have a nice, open plan, spacious house and I think that sometimes we forget about those people when we think of Interior Design - are there enough design ideas and furniture collections for the smaller rooms? This is what I have been exploring.

Looking on the internet at images of "small" spaces, lots comes up, but many of them are "small" in terms of Beverly Hills homes where "small" is anything less than 8,000sq. ft!!! So just how small is too small?

Have a look at this room. This is one room, but it has in it everything that you need on the ground floor of the house. It has a kitchen, dining space and living space also. Is it really an inconvenience having them all together? If anything, it is probably more convenient, as all your amenities are right there for you! It is social, as when you have people over you wont have to be leaving them to tend to the cooking or set the table, and what's more, there's a TV in each room, so you don't have to be running back into the living room to see what's happening on Desperate Housewives! Although I am not a fan of the wooden table, it's the concept that I like. I dont always like smaller spaces, when looking for my current house space was a huge factor for me, but the more I look at this picture the more I think that actually, there is a lot of space there! If there were walls dividing it into separate rooms, think how tiny they would be. This is a huge space saver, and we all know how much I love open plan! Below are some more examples of smaller homes with good floorspace.

Check it out dolls.

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