Friday 17 May 2013

Too Much Space and No Idea How To Use It?

A lot of people would think that having a lot of space would be ideal. Loads of room to do anything you want, and it means more stuff! But for some, it is a burden because they just dont know how to use it. There is a difference between design and style. No matter what, everyone has style. Everyone's home is stylish, and this doesn't mean that they have had a top of the range Interior Designer do all the work for them, it means that style is subjective and individual. What is stylish to me may not be stylish for you. I can't stand Edwardian furniture, but for some people, that is their style. Design is different. Design looks at the practicalities of the home. The layout, the electrical points, the window and door positioning etc. So is a large open plan room a design fault? No. Because there are lots of ways that you can take advantage of the space.

I want to show you a few images I found on Google.

This room looks excellent. I absolutely love the decor, it looks great. I think that the colours go so well together, I love neutrals with a splash of black here and there, especially in the lighting. The small table in the middle with the seats is what makes the best use of the huge space, along with the sofas being out in the middle of the room rather than being pressed against a wall. Perfect!

 This property works so well with the open plan because it has a huge feature in the centre. It doesn't just have to be walls that separate rooms. Even standing dividers work really well. But this is practical, not only is it lovely to look at but it is also a seat! Extra seating means more social! Gorgeous.

This is the real meaning of open plan. 3 room in one and then a garden that can also become a part of it in the nice weather! I just love how this huge room is the absolute centre to this home. I can't think of anything more social. Nothing is pushed up against the wall which really makes great use of the space. Nothing worse than a huge empty floor in the middle of parallel, pushed back furniture! This isn't a huge home but this makes it seem bigger, as it is one big room as opposed to three small rooms. Open plan always wins it for me!!!

Lastly, I had to post a picture of this as I just love the contemporary look of the kitchen. The curved units are so modern and high spec that it is one of the best things you can do to a large kitchen. Rather than the conventional units around the wall and then occasionally a square/rectangular island in the middle, this is different and exciting. I personally love it, it gives the kitchen that feature that everyone wants but not all know how to achieve. Love this so much!

Let me know how you make the most of the space you have.

Until next time, Dolls xo

Thursday 16 May 2013

Making the Most of Small Spaces

Today I have been thinking about small spaces. A lot of people aren't lucky enough to have a nice, open plan, spacious house and I think that sometimes we forget about those people when we think of Interior Design - are there enough design ideas and furniture collections for the smaller rooms? This is what I have been exploring.

Looking on the internet at images of "small" spaces, lots comes up, but many of them are "small" in terms of Beverly Hills homes where "small" is anything less than 8,000sq. ft!!! So just how small is too small?

Have a look at this room. This is one room, but it has in it everything that you need on the ground floor of the house. It has a kitchen, dining space and living space also. Is it really an inconvenience having them all together? If anything, it is probably more convenient, as all your amenities are right there for you! It is social, as when you have people over you wont have to be leaving them to tend to the cooking or set the table, and what's more, there's a TV in each room, so you don't have to be running back into the living room to see what's happening on Desperate Housewives! Although I am not a fan of the wooden table, it's the concept that I like. I dont always like smaller spaces, when looking for my current house space was a huge factor for me, but the more I look at this picture the more I think that actually, there is a lot of space there! If there were walls dividing it into separate rooms, think how tiny they would be. This is a huge space saver, and we all know how much I love open plan! Below are some more examples of smaller homes with good floorspace.

Check it out dolls.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Mood Boards and Samples

So today I submitted an assignment that required me to use a Mood Board which is one of my favourite things to do, so I thought I would share with you my first ever Mood Board that I created for my first ever assignment for my Interior Design Diploma, we have all been beginners once!

I particularly enjoyed this one because it required me to look at my own home and re-design it (we didnt actually have to do it, but it did make me think about it!) So I went and got a tonne of samples from B&Q and Carpetright and a few other decor stores and began to plan my new hallway.

So at the moment it is black and silver throughout, all black gloss doors, bannisters and skirting boards, dark slate grey carpets and silver walls with all silver photo frames, 2x silver tables with a silver bowsl with black and silver pot pourri, a silver full body mirror, silver coats and hats hooks which spell the words coats & hats and black light shades upstairs and downstairs. So it is safe to say when I like a colour scheme I stick to it! So when I was asked to redesign the room, I had to think hard about a colour scheme that I could really get my teeth into, and I decided to go the complete opposite, from black and silver, contemporary and modern, to cream and gold, light and cosy.

As you can see from my Mood Board, I decided to go for cream carpet (Pearl) and I am choosing between patterned wallpaper and stripy wallpaper. As my hallway is quite long, although it is still quite wide, the length overpowers this, so I would like to widen it with horizontal striped wallpaper like the one I have put on my Mood Board which I love.

Let me know your thoughts, Dolls!

And don't forget to add me on Instagram and Twitter.

Instagram @_missinterior
Twitter @_missinterior

Instagram @princessbigbum
Twitter @princessbigbumx


Friday 10 May 2013

My Diploma

I am doing my Interior Design Diploma through the Blackford Centre for Interior Design. It is a fantastic institution, they really help you through the process and I have so far enjoyed every minute of the course. Considering you do it from home you really do get a lot of help and assistance.

The course materials arrived the day after I enrolled and paid for it. A huge box full of exciting stuff! Two big folders with the Diploma Modules in and all the info, loads of helpful books and leaflets about starting your own business, paper, pencils, pens, graph paper, tracing paper, tape measure, ruler, folders and loads more. Even a little box of mints! It is so cool, as long as you have the space to put it in. My dressing room is slowly turning into an office! (I think we may be needing to look for a 4 bed pretty soon!)

The modules are really well set out. You do cover 99.9% of Interior Design in just 44 modules. The best thing is, there are 15 assignments to do during the course of the Diploma, and there are NO deadlines! That's right! You hand them in whenever you like, in whatever order you like!! It is so handy when you are as busy as I am, although I speed through it because I can't wait to get it done and start my business!

If you are interested in Interior Design you should definitely check out the Blackford Centre, it really is worth every penny.

See Ya, Dolls xo


Hi there,

Just thought I would post a quick introduction and welcome you to my blog!

My name is Mila and I am in the process of completing my Interior Design Diploma and setting up my very own Interior Design Company. It is very exciting!

About me. I am 20 years old, I live in a gorgeous new house that I bought with my fiancée Carlos and my Beagle Puppy Dash in December 2011. My first Interior Design venture, and it turned out beautifully! As Carlos is in the Army he is away quite a lot, so I knew that I needed something to keep me occupied when I wasnt at work so I thought what better than gaining a qualification in something that I really enjoy? I am already studying a Business Degree from home, so my plate really is full, but I wouldnt have it any other way!

Anyway, that's me.

Follow me on all my social networks to see what I'm into and up to.

Instagram @_missinterior
Twitter @_missinterior

Instagram @princessbigbum
Twitter @princessbigbumx

Thanks, dolls!
