Thursday 3 October 2013

Showhome Style

Today I have been doing some research on showhomes and collecting some images that I thought I would post in my blog. I usually spend a lot of my time looking at real estate online, and as is obvious if you have read any of my blog posts, I love newbuilds. I jus think that there is nothing better than getting a completely blank canvas to make your own. Of course, for those who don't enjoy  Interior Design as much as we do, it is so much more desirable to just move in.

I've found some pictures to try and convince those people that there is so much to do with blank canvases, you just have to use your imagination...

I love this area. I am a huge fan of open plan so this really ticks a lot of boxes for me. Not only is it convenient for social occasions such as house parties and hosting dinners, but it is good from an architectural and design point of view also. It allows natural light to flood through the house, in this case from front to back. It is also efficient as it allows natural light to replace the need for artificial light as much as possible which will save costs.

This kitchen/diner is so light and breezy. It is such a calming and relaxing environment, the baby blue highlights the calmness which has to have a positive effect on the hectic mornings full of breakfast, making lunches and trying to get the kids ready for school!  It also makes it an enjoyable place to sit in, I would find myself socialising in there and also doing work in there and reading magazines etc.

This kitchen is designed to be more stylish than calming and relaxing, however using cream rather than white for the units makes it more calming than white units would. It is still a beautiful kitchen and also somewhere that I would find myself spending more time. Although not as big it has all the functionalities a kitchen needs. The spotlights also give a soft, luxurious feel which is especially nice when cooking at night.

To me this is the kitchen/diner that screams "SHOWHOME" the loudest. ,any people don't like this effect as they feel they can't mess it up and it looks a little too clinical, however i absolutely LOVE it! It is so stunning and perfect that I just feel like I would love to cook in there, it would be a pleasure. I think if you don't have a nice kitchen, you aren't going to enjoy cooking as much, just like if you have a gorgeous brand new car, you enjoy driving a lot more than if you have an old rubbish car!

I love how this is conveniently open plan. It has the potential to welcome privacy through the French doors, however when they are open it creates almost one large room which is extremely social and party-friendly. The decor is beautiful and is a huge inspiration to anyone who has a blank canvas.

The under-counter lighting creates a beautiful, soft touch which is a great effect in a kitchen. It softens the sharp edges and the clinical lines of the kitchen and blends the counters with the floor almost making it seem like it is floating. The natural light in this room is also great which makes it a nice place to eat breakfast in the mornings. 

The decor of this room is spot on. It looks so rich and modern,  but it also has the comfortable element  in that it is carpeted with a rug which helps insulate the heat in the room, and the room is not too big and spacious, it can still be comfortable and cosy.

This bedroom is absolutely stunning. It is so stylish and classy and you can tell a lot of thought, time and most likely money has gone into the design. The four-poster bed alone is luxurious enough, but if you look around, everything from the carpet to the curtains, the furniture to the artwork on the wall is high-end, top quality standard.

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