Saturday 5 October 2013

Heavenly Hallways

Today I decided to blog about Heavenly Hallways. The hallway is important in the home because it is the entrance to the home which subconsciously sets the scene for the rest of the house. For example, if the hallway is unwelcoming and badly decorated, guests aren't likely to hold much hope for the other rooms, whereas if the hall is inviting and well designed, it often intrigues the guests and encourages them to wonder what the rest of the houses look like. 

Having a grand entrance also serves well for parties as it is somewhere that people can congregate on arrival for some pre-drinks or whilst waiting for entertainment to arrive.

I also like to think of the hallway as a gallery. As you can see, the one above looks rather Art Deco. It is a nice area to showcase paintings and pictures that people can stand and look at on entering your home. 

The hallway in most homes is the first place you go when you arrive and the last place you go when you leave, so make sure it is functional. A nice large mirror is always needed for last minute checks to hair and makeup! 

Hallways need good light. They often don't get much natural light other than through panels in the doors (if there are any) so it is important to have decent artificial light. Spotlights are good for this as they are subtle but practical, setting a nice mo

Stair lights are a good way to light up the hallway. For health and safety purposes there should always be an adequate lighting supply, however when it is night and only subtle light is needed, stair lights are a great idea.

Minimalistic hallways are always nice, it is best not to clutter them with paintings, photographs and statues, it can make guests assume that the rest of your house will be cluttered. 

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