Wednesday 18 September 2013

Wallpaper Wednesday!

Today's blog is dedicated to the beautiful thing that is WALLPAPER!

I LOVE wallpaper, I think it looks classy and stylish and it creates a glamorous, high-class atmosphere in a room. Sure you can accessorise walls with beautiful coloured paint and some amazing wall art, but I don't think there is anything like wallpaper. You can get wallpaper to go with anything, any colour and any style/theme and that is one of the many things I love about it! I have found some pictures online which I hope will help you understand why I love wallpaper sooooooo much.

This living room fascinates me! It is such a mismatch of colours, but it soooo works! There is an array of colours here, purples, greens, yellows, creams... Who would have thought that they could all go so nicely together? This is certainly a far cry from the strict monochromatic colour schemes I love, but I think this looks excellent! And as I said before, the wallpaper sets the scene, it looks so stylish and I am not sure the room would work so well without it. Plain cream walls would look good, but there is just something about a feature wall that makes a room work and this is proof of that!

This one is more my thing. Dark colours, especially blacks and greys, are a favourite of mine. Having a decent sized living room with large windows allows me to use these colours, but they don't alway work. Here, however, they work well. The green furniture adds some flavour to the otherwise dark and plain room, and it complements the wallpaper very well! I really like the contrasting colours used as I think it is good to use more than one colour (or hues of more than one colour) in one room, here it works perfectly!


This room reminds me of an art gallery! I love the minimalistic approach - I can't stand clutter! The colours go perfectly. I always find that one of the best colours to complement black with is red, I love that match. I love the sort of Art Deco feel, it is ultra-modern, light and airy and just looks fresh and comfortable at the same time. Showhome type rooms tend to be quite clinical and rather uncomfortable as image is prioritised over comfort, however this looks like a room that could be cosy on a cold winters evening. It has all the functions (or room for them) that a living room needs, somewhere to sit, somewhere to put your drink and plenty of space for a television and storage facilities. So much love for this room and its design!


I can't quite get my head around this design. I see what they are trying to do, but I am not sure about sandwiching floral wallpaper between stripy wallpaper, not to mention the contrast between the horizontal and vertical stripes. There is something that I like about it but I can't quite put my finger on it. I thought I should put a picture of wallpaper I wasn't sure of so as not to come across biased! I would be interested to know what you guys think of it? Is it just me who finds it a little odd?


In this room all of the walls are covered in wallpaper, but there is still a feature wall. The feature wall is the one with the patterned wallpaper. The others are covered in plain wallpaper which is still effective. I prefer it to paint as it seems more warm and inviting than paint which can create the effect of a cold wall. Wallpapered walls are rarely cold, and they tend to look more plush. I love the neutral colour scheme of this room, it is classy and elegant, but at the same time something you could get cosy in. 


This is one of my favourites. The elegant wallpaper looks rich and is just stunning. It goes perfectly with the rest of the room the furniture and accessories etc. It is typical show home style and that I love. It looks silky and warm which is so inviting and the colour is gorgeous. It is a classic feature wall and it works perfectly.

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