Sunday 2 June 2013

Jennifer Aniston's Beverly Hills Home

I had to write a blog on this as soon as I saw the amazing pictures. I have always admired Jennifer Aniston, she is one of Hollywood's most talented, famous and highest earning actresses, yet she has always been quite modest and "normal". You dont't hear stories of her scandals, drug abuse, binge drinking etc. and the only major drama she has faced was her divorce, which actually made people respect her even more. So I wasn't surprised when I saw her house, it isn't over-extravagant with a huge entrance hall and a golden staircase, it is a beautiful, classy and elegant home. It doesn't say "LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY I'VE GOT!" It says, "I've worked so hard for my money, and what better way to spend it than with a beautiful, tranquil, relaxing home like this". That is what I love most about her, and indeed, her house. I have included some pictures of the house that I found on which is a great site if you are interested in Celebrity Homes and such.

I have included some pictures of the house for you to have a look at and to show you exactly why I absolutely love this property. Here we can see the exterior. Some very interesting architecture which I think is modern but with a country twist. The stonework really gives it a homely feel, it isnt the standard original brickwork.I think it is simply stunning. It is situated at the end of a long drive, gated at the front, making it private and secluded, perfect for an A-List celebrity. It almost looks tropical with the plants!

This picture shows the large hallway you walk in to as you enter the house. I love how open it is. Everyone knows I am a huge fan of open-plan and spaciousness, so I am loving this house. It is stunning. The lighting is gorgeous, although these images were shot at night, the lighting gives a romantic feel and it just looks fabulous!

 One thing that I am always being pressurised into  buying is a pool table. My fiancee is obsessed with pool so imagine his delight when he saw this in the house of a woman who inspires me a lot. The open space is perfect for a pool table, now I dont know if Jen is a big pool player or not, but I certainly think this looks good, even if it's not used! (Remember the huge argument she and Vince Vaughn had in The Break Up when he wanted a pool table and she refused?)

Perfect for dinner parties, this huge Dining Table is an amazing feature to the room. The wooden effect with the lighting above just looks gorgeous. I am into highly modern and contemporary pieces, but even I love this furniture. It is so Jennifer Aniston, and I can see her hosting parties here, it is the perfect social events room, especially when the table is fully dressed which I imagine would look fantastic.

The first thing that catches my eye in this room are the two huge lamps either side of the couch. I love these, I love huge statement pieces, and these just do the trick! I love how the furniture is arranged too, with the couch in the middle and two seats either side, centering the television.

This may look like a kitchen, however it is actually the master bathroom. Not even the family bathroom!! You may be wondering where the bathroom essentials are e.g. bathtub, shower, toilet and sink - they are right round the corner. But even still, the bathroom is bigger than a lot of people's bedrooms right now!

This just looks so cosy and relaxing. Whether by yourself or winding down with a few friends and a few glasses of wine, this is the perfect place to relax in front of the fire in the evening. I just absolutely love this space, from the lighting, to the furniture. It is difficult to tell if it is part of the house as a room, or if it is an alcove in the garden, but either way.. LOVE!

Finally, a picture from the beautiful garden. It is absolutely gorgeous, tranquil, relaxing and beautifully landscaped. I think Jen has done an amazing job with this house. It is stunning and gorgeous.

Absolutely in love with this property, and I can't wait to find out the asking price and put in my offer. It is gonna be around £450k right?.....................(LOL)
